The word ‘Impossible’ isn’t in Lybover’s vocabulary. But it isn’t in CRAFT’s either. When the West Flemish engineering firm, specialising in total industrial solutions, asked us to help them with their employer branding, we provided a remarkable campaign and a unique video with high production standards… And all that against -in the eyes of some- an impossible deadline.
“Give us 48 hours … and lots of coffee”
With a vague employer brand, Lybover was poorly armed for the ‘War for Talent’ that is currently raging in West Flanders, especially for technical profiles. This lack of identity made it difficult for Lybover to attract the right candidates.
It was clear that fast action was needed and that meant it was all hands on deck for CRAFT. “Give us 48 hours and we’ll have a campaign, a joined-up approach and a script for you!” our art director yelled. And so it was. With the help of lots of coffee, CRAFT got to work on a clear, streamlined and unique identity that gave Lybover its own identity as an employer brand.
Nothing is impossible
What immediately struck us about Lybover during this process? Impossible isn’t in their dictionary. Their answer, even to the most challenging customer queries, is “We’ll get it done” rather than “it can’t be done”. We built on that to create an employer brand that reflected all that expertise, experience, drive, technology, innovation and client-focus.
We developed the idea of “Impossible doesn’t exist” into the unmistakable Employer Value Proposition (EVP) “Bring it On”. We then translated that EVP into an always-on employer brand campaign. With a distinctive graphical style, awesome photography and that typical “Bring it On” tone-of-voice, we were able to market Lybover in general, to specific job-clusters and even to the level of individual vacancies.
Further deepening the “Bring it On” universe, we also developed campaigns such as #EngineeringRut, where we engage bored engineers through gifs and memes inviting them to spring into action and apply for a job. In addition we set the challenge of The Impossible Application. Presented with an intractable problem where anyone who could solve it was obviously made of the right stuff for Lybover.
Impact, value and Results
One year ago, Lybover’s employer brand was still bland and unclear. Now, they have a clear proposition and perception with a love of challenge, problem solving mindset, a team oriented approach and a passion for technology as its defining features. The campaign also helped to generate broad support for that proposition across the whole company, creating a renewed and strengthened team spirit. Not only because Lybover colleagues played an important role in the photography and videos, but also because they were given input to and ownership in the development of the strategy. The “Nothing is Impossible” mindset has also led to a number of new “impossible” achievements by the employees themselves.
A follow-up campaign is currently in the works and this time no idea will seem too crazy, too difficult or impossible to tackle.
One year ago, Lybover’s employer brand was still bland and unclear. Now, they have a clear proposition and perception with a love of challenge, problem solving mindset, a team oriented approach and a passion for technology as its defining features. The campaign also helped to generate broad support for that proposition across the whole company, creating a renewed and strengthened team spirit. Not only because Lybover colleagues played an important role in the photography and videos, but also because they were given input to and ownership in the development of the strategy. The “Nothing is Impossible” mindset has also led to a number of new “impossible” achievements by the employees themselves.
A follow-up campaign is currently in the works and this time no idea will seem too crazy, too difficult or impossible to tackle.